Former Refugees Help Fill Canadian Job Vacancies

Canadian Visa Professionals - African People Collaborating
Canadian Visa Professionals - African People Collaborating

Canada is the land of opportunity that welcomes qualified workers across the globe to fill Canadian job vacancies. Canadian Visa Professionals shares the experience of two former refugees who recently moved to Canada to fill job vacancies in the healthcare sector.

Abdifatah Sabriye is a 30-year-old former refugee in Kenya and he had been a refugee for more than 15 years before he got the life-changing opportunity to move to Canada.

Abdifatah became a former refugee in Kenya as a result of the war in his home country, Somalia.

He was able to gain experience in health care in northern Kenya, working with a humanitarian aid organization inside the refugee camp where he lived with his family.

As a result of the experience, he was able to apply for the healthcare role and continued to practice as a care assistant at a new nursing home in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.

In his words, when he arrived at Halifax Stanfield International Airport:

“It used to be my dream to be in Canada, and now it is a reality.”

Patricia Kamssor is another former refugee who recently moved to Canada as a permanent resident to work in the healthcare sector. In her words:

"I feel just so excited and happy to be in Canada. Since my application was granted in early 2021 but we got delayed by the COVID-19 pandemic and other issues, I started doubting if I would ever be able to move down to Canada or if something might come up again to make it impossible."

Both former refugees moved to Canada through the Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot, a federal government program bridging the gap between displaced people and the Canadian labour shortage.

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